Plugins description

CLUES is an elasticity manager system for HPC clusters and Cloud infrastructures that features the ability to power on/deploy working nodes as needed (depending on the job workload of the cluster) and to power off/terminate them when they are no longer needed. CLUES is available at the grycap/clues GitHub repository.

CLUES has been extended in the INDIGO-DataCloud project with new plugins to support the PaaS Orchestrator and to introduce elasticity capabilities to both HTCondor and Apache Mesos (including its frameworks Chronos and Marathon).

Therefore, this repository includes the following plugins:

  • CLUES plugin to connect with the INDIGO orchestrator. Copy it to the cluesplugins directory of CLUES.

  • CLUES plugin to connect with the HTCondor.

  • CLUES plugin to connect with the Mesos, Chronos, and Marathon.

Installation instructions

From Ansible galaxy

In the ansible galaxy there is an ansible role created to ease the installation of clues and its plugins.


You need to install the package python-pip. It's needed by the clues recipe. You also need ansible to install the role and the playbook. Don't install ansible version 2.1.1 or posterior. This versions have a bug that causes the recipe to fail. The easiest way to install ansible is using pip:

pip install "ansible<2.1.1"


Install the ansible galaxy role:

ansible-galaxy install indigo-dc.clues

You also need to create a playbook to install the role. A simple playbook like the following is enough:

cat >> playbook.yml << EOF
- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  - indigo-dc.clues

Then install the playbook:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml

If you didn't modify the role, the mesos plugin is deployed as default. If you want to change the plugin deployed you only have to include the name of the plugin as a parameter of the role. See the following code:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  - { role: indigo-dc.clues, clues_queue_system: condor }

After ansible finishes installing the role, you can see a new service called clues created. More information about using and configuring clues can be found here.

Quick testing

To test the elasticity capabilities we offer a prepared docker image. The docker container grycap/jenkins:ubuntu14.04-clues-indigo-ec3 repository contains all the libraries and environment variables needed to test the plugins. This container uses EC3 to deploy a cluster with clues integrated. To learn more about the EC3 usage you can check the documentation.


To run the docker container:

docker run -it grycap/jenkins:ubuntu14.04-clues-indigo-ec3

Then inside the container you can launch, for example, a mesos cluster:

./ec3 launch clues-test mesos docker ubuntu14-ramses -a auth.dat -u

With this last command you are telling EC3 to launch a cluster named clues-test that uses the mesos plugin and must have docker installed. The template used is specified in the file ubuntu14-ramses and the authorization file auth.dat must have the required users and passwords.

Info about the launch command, system templates, authorization files and more is available here.

Once the cluster has been successfully deployed you can connect to it through the IP provided by EC3 or using (in our case):

./ec3 ssh clues-test

Last updated