Running CDMI-QoS as a Docker Container

INDIGO-DataCloud also provides Docker images to run the CDMI-QoS service in a Docker container.

Get the Docker container

You can download the latest docker image at Docker Hub.

(optional) Build the container

You can also build the latest docker image with the provided Docker file at GitHub.

cd CDMI/docker/run

docker build -t my/cdmi-qos .

Run the Docker image

You can run the Docker image with following command

docker run -P -v /data:/data my/cdmi-qos

This command will run the CDMI-QoS Docker image, maps any required network ports inside the container to your host and "mounts" your local /data/ directory to the containers interlan /data/ directory, the pre-confiured default container directory where the service will store its data.

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