About IM
IM is a tool that deploys complex and customized virtual infrastructures on IaaS Cloud deployments (such as AWS, OpenStack, etc.). It eases the access and the usability of IaaS clouds by automating the VMI (Virtual Machine Image) selection, deployment, configuration, software installation, monitoring and update of the virtual infrastructure. It supports APIs from a large number of virtual platforms, making user applications cloud-agnostic. In addition it integrates a contextualization system to enable the installation and configuration of all the user required applications providing the user with a fully functional infrastructure.
This version evolved in the projects INDIGO-Datacloud (https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/) and DEEP – Hybrid DataCloud (https://deep-hybrid-datacloud.eu/). It is used by the INDIGO Orchestrator to contact Cloud sites to finally deploy the VMs/containers.
New features added in both projects:
Support for TOSCA 1.0 YAML specification with the custom node types described in https://github.com/indigo-dc/tosca-types/blob/master/custom_types.yaml
Support for the Identity and Access Management Service (IAM).
Support for the Token Translation Service (TTS) to support IAM authetication on OpenNebula Clouds.
Improvements to access OpenStack Clouds that support IAM.
Improvements to enable hybrid deployments.
Read the documentation and more at http://www.grycap.upv.es/im.
There is also an Infrastructure Manager YouTube reproduction list with a set of videos with demos of the functionality of the platform: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgPH186Qwh_37AMhEruhVKZSfoYpHkrUp.
Please acknowledge the use of this software in your scientific publications by including the following reference:
Miguel Caballer, Ignacio Blanquer, German Molto, and Carlos de Alfonso. "Dynamic management of virtual infrastructures". Journal of Grid Computing, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 53-70, 2015, ISSN 1570-7873, DOI: 10.1007/s10723-014-9296-5.
This work is co-funded by the EOSC-hub project (Horizon 2020) under Grant number 777536.
The recommended option to use the Infrastructure Manager service is using the available docker image. A Docker image named indigodatacloud/im
has been created to make easier the deployment of an IM service using the default configuration. Information about this image can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/u/indigodatacloud/im/.
How to launch the IM service using docker::
To make the IM data persistent you also have to specify a persistent location for the IM database using the IM_DATA_DB environment variable and adding a volume::
You can also specify an external MySQL server to store IM data using the IM_DATA_DB environment variable::
Or you can also add a volume with all the IM configuration::
The IM provides a script to install the IM in one single step (using pip). You only need to execute the following command:
It works for the most recent version of the main Linux distributions (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian). In case that you O.S. does not work with this install script see next sections.
Check the parameters in $IM_PATH/etc/im.cfg or /etc/im/im.cfg. See IM Manual to get a full reference of the configuration variables.
Please pay attention to the next configuration variables, as they are the most important:
Security is disabled by default. Please notice that someone with local network access can "sniff" the traffic and get the messages with the IM with the authorisation data with the cloud providers.
Security can be activated both in the XMLRPC and REST APIs. Setting this variables:
And then set the variables: XMLRCPSSL or RESTSSL to your certificates paths.
Last updated