Installation and deployment

This chapter describes how to build and run SLAM. The prefered method is running the SLAM from docker file.

Running SLAM from source code

In order to build the project download the source code from the GitHub repository:

Compilation and testing

To compile project use maven running the following command:

mvn compile

In order to run unit test suite run:

mvn test

In order to generate test coverage report run :

mvn cobertura:cobertura

In order to run stylechecks call:

mvn verify

Running SLAM

SLAM is based on the Spring Boot so in order to run the application simply call:

mvn spring-boot:run

Appliaction should be available under following link https://localhost:8443

In order to run SLAM there is a need for a running instances of MySQL and MongoDB this documentation should be improved at this place

If you want SLAM to be running in development mode simply activate Spring Boot development profile.

Important notice - in the current state the application should be started in development mode in order to be running, due to incomplete AII integration.

Development profile run:

mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments=""

Running SLAM from Docker container

Docker repository link:



SLAM takes configuration data from INDIGO-CMDB (\, such us: providers, services and users responsible for specific scope.

You need to set CMDB_URL variable in order to find point CMDB instance.


INDIGO-IAM (\ is a source of authentication and the only method to log in to the service. Authorisation is done based on e-mail attribute taken from INDIGO-IAM and configuration data from CMDB.

You need to set IAM_URL, IAM_TOKEN_URL and IAM_AUTHORIZE_URL variables in order to find point IAM instance.


docker pull mysql/mysql-server

docker run --name slam-mysql -e MYSQL_DATABASE=slam -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d mysql/mysql-server


docker pull mongo

docker run --name slam-mongo -d mongo


example of docker command:

docker run -d -e PROVIDER_EMAIL='' --link slammongo:mongo --link slammysql:mysql -e IAM_TOKEN_URL=''-e IAM_AUTHORIZE_URL='' -e IAM_URL='' -e CMDB_URL='http://cmdb.hostname' -p 8443:8443 --name indigoslam indigodatacloud/slam:latest

Enviroment variables

  • PROVIDER_EMAIL is used to recognise the person that has a right to act as infrastructure provider (for all providers) and have possibility to see SLAs requests, negotiate and accept SLAs

  • IAM_TOKEN_URL -- _URL for IAM service tokens, usually IAM_URL/token

  • IAM_AUTHORIZE_URL -- _URL for IAM authorization service, usually IAM_URL/authorize

  • IAM_URL -- main URL for IAM service

  • CERT_FILE -- certificate file that should be added to keystore (to be main cert for the site)

Adding cert for secured https access

There are two ways to add certificate:

  • Directly adding the cert To add a certificate you can add the following options to docker run command:

    • -e CERT_FILE=/certs/cert.cert -v /path/to/cert.cert:/certs/cert.cert

      Certificate is imported to java keystore, so it understands all certificate formats that keytool understands:

      keytool can import X.509 v1, v2, and v3 certificates, and PKCS#7 formatted certificate chains consisting of certificates of that type. The data to be imported must be provided either in binary encoding format, or in printable encoding format (also known as Base64 encoding) as defined by theInternet RFC 1421 standard. In the latter case, the encoding must be bounded at the beginning by a string that starts with "-----BEGIN", and bounded at the end by a string that starts with "-----END". (more info here:\

  • Providing custom keystore There is a standard java keystone used in the SLAM. In case you want to replace it by a keystone customized to your need you can add the following options to docker run command:

  • -e KEYSTORE=/opt/pki/customKeystore.jks -e KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=’keystore_password’ -v /path/to/customKeystore.jks:/opt/pki/customKeystore.jks

    Tutorial on how to create and use custom keystore

Upgrade procedure

As long as not stated differently in the release, upgrade procedure require only to replace SLAM WEB APP with the new version.

Last updated