Developer guide


If you would like to contribute to the APEL REST interface.

See here for instructions to run the Docker Images locally using docker-compose

Setup from source (on Centos 6)

We recommend this for development work ONLY.

  1. Install python, pip, mysql, apache, apache modules, trust bundle and other required RPMS for development.

     yum -y install python-pip python-devel mysql mysql-devel gcc httpd httpd-devel mod_wsgi mod_ssl cronie at ca-policy-egi-core fetch-crl python-iso8601 python-ldap git bash-completion tree
  2. Upgrade pip and setuptools

     pip install pip --upgrade
     pip install setuptools --upgrade
  3. Install requirements.txt

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Clone the repo to /var/www/html

     git clone /var/www/html
  5. Create the database

     mysql -u root -e "create database apel_rest"
     mysql -u root apel_rest < schemas/cloud.sql
     mysql -u root apel_rest < schemas/cloud-extra.sql
  6. Create a new, self signed, certificate

     mkdir /etc/httpd/ssl/
     openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/httpd/ssl/apache.key -out /etc/httpd/ssl/apache.crt
  7. Copy the configuration files

     cp /var/www/html/conf/apel_rest_api.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/apel_rest_api.conf
     cp /var/www/html/conf/ssl.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
     cp /var/www/html/conf/cloudloader.cfg /etc/apel/cloudloader.cfg
     cp /var/www/html/conf/cloudsummariser.cfg /etc/apel/cloudsummariser.cfg
  8. Copy the script files

     cp /var/www/html/scripts/cloudsummariser /etc/cron.d/cloudsummariser
     cp /var/www/html/scripts/ /usr/bin/
     cp /var/www/html/scripts/apeldbloader-cloud /etc/init.d/apeldbloader-cloud
  9. Create log, run and spool directories

    mkdir /var/log/cloud
    mkdir /var/run/cloud
    mkdir -p /var/spool/apel/cloud/
    chown apache -R /var/spool/apel/cloud/
  10. To allow successful GET requests, you will need to register your APEL REST instance with the Indigo DataCloud IAM and add IAM variables in /var/www/html/apel_rest/ You will also need to register a second service (the querying test service), and authorise it by adding it's ID to ALLOWED_FOR_GET

  11. Run python collectstatic

  12. Start Apache with service httpd start

  13. Start the loader with service apeldbloader-cloud start

  14. Navigate a web browser to "https:///api/v1/cloud/record/summary/"

Last updated