User guide

As a Provider

Providers can publish accounting records to the endpoint:


To do this, Providers must be running OpenStack or OpenNebula and install the appropriate collectors. Links to these can be found at List of Artifacts

Records can be sent to the REST interface using this script. Run python -h for a list of options that need to be set in order to send.

Expected Responses

  • 202: The data has been successfully saved for future loading and summarising.

  • 401: An X.509 certifcate was not provided by the request, your data was not saved.

  • 403: An X.509 certifcate was provided, but it was not authorised to publish, your data was not saved.

  • 500: An unknown error has a occured, your data was not saved.

As a Member of Indigo DataCloud

Micro services can retrieve accounting summaries from the endpoint.


The query space is limited by key=value pairs after a "?" seperated by "&".

For Example:


Supported key=value pairs

  • group: The group within Indigo DataCloud.

  • service: The site that provided the resource.

  • user: The global user name of the resource submitter.

  • to: Display summaries for dates (YYYYMMDD) up until this value, but exclusive of it.

  • from: Display summaries for dates (YYYYMMDD) after this value, but exclusive of it.

from is the only compulsary option, failure to include it will result in a 400 response.

Currently, only one of user, group or service can be set in the same query. Combining more than one will result in a 400 response.

Expected Status Codes

  • 200: Your request was succesfully met.

  • 400: No key=value pair provided for from, or more than one of user, group or service is set.

  • 401: Your service's OAuth token was not provided by the request, or was not successfully extracted by the server.

  • 403: Your service's OAuth token was extracted by the server, but the IAM does not recognise it.

  • 500: An unknown error has a occured.

Example Response Body

    "count": 2, 
    "next": null, 
    "previous": null, 
    "results": [
            "VOGroup": "/TEST1", 
            "WallDuration": 86400, 
            "UpdateTime": null, 
            "Year": 2013, 
            "SiteName": "Test-Site", 
            "LatestStartTime": "2013-02-25T17:37:27", 
            "EarliestStartTime": "2013-02-25T17:37:27", 
            "GlobalUserName": "TestDN",
            "Day": 26, 
            "Month": 2
            "VOGroup": "/TEST1", 
            "WallDuration": 86399, 
            "UpdateTime": null, 
            "Year": 2013, 
            "SiteName": "Test-Site", 
            "LatestStartTime": "2013-02-25T17:37:27", 
            "EarliestStartTime": "2013-02-25T17:37:27", 
            "GlobalUserName": "TestDN",
            "Day": 27, 
            "Month": 2

Last updated