User Guide

Using orchent is made as easy as possible. In case you are lost orchent provides a lot of information with its 'help' command, just call orchent --help.

Setting The Access Token

Orchent uses so called access token to authorize itself against the orchestrator.

In The newest release orchent supports the usage of the oidc-agent. By using the oidc-agent the need to copy and paste access tokens is history. Two things need to be done to use the oidc-agent with orcht. The first thing is to export the name of the oidc-agent account to use in the environmental variable 'ORCHENT_AGENT_ACCOUNT'. The account must be loaded into the agent before usage. The second thing is to ensure that the path to the socket of the oidc-agent is set within the variable 'OIDC_SOCK':

export ORCHENT_AGENT_ACCOUNT=<account name>
export OIDC_SOCK=<path to socket of oidc-agent>

One can still set the access token directly in the environmental variable 'ORCHENT_TOKEN', this overrides the previous settings. ORCHENT_TOKEN:

export ORCHENT_TOKEN=<your access token here>

One can also export the url of the orchestrator via environment variable 'ORCHENT_URL':

export ORCHENT_URL=<url to the orchestrator>

It is also possible to specify the url at the command line, see below.

Now the orchent can perform any operation the access token grants, as long as the access token is valid.

Setting the trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs)

Usually this part is not needed as most systems come with a sane default setup.

Sometimes you either need or want to specify which CAs you trust anyway. You can explicitly tell orchent which file contains all the root CAs that can be trusted by using the ORCHENT_CAFILE environment variable. The file must contain the certficates in the PEM format.

export ORCHENT_CAFILE=<path to the file containing trusted CAs>

Configure Orchent

Orchent supports the ini configuration file format. The configuration file must be located at ~/.config/orchent/orchent.conf.


Aliases are configured within the 'alias' section. Each line represents an alias and a uuid to use instead.

An example configuration is:

one = 78f1a558-fa2d-4415-8bab-058a26d43a79
two = a741b980-3057-48ce-b35a-93af3844953f

if such a file exists the alias can be used anywhere instead of the uuid. The following two commands are performing the same request at the orchestrator (given the config above):

orchent depshow 78f1a558-fa2d-4415-8bab-058a26d43a79
orchent depshow one

Using Orchent

Please make sure you have exported your access token, see above.

Getting help

orchent provides a lot of help, the main help is shown by running orchent --help. The output is:

$ orchent --help
usage: orchent [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

The orchestrator client.

Please either store your access token in 'ORCHENT_TOKEN' or set the account to use with oidc-agent
in the 'ORCHENT_AGENT_ACCOUNT' and the socket of the oidc-agent in the 'OIDC_SOCK' environment

  export ORCHENT_TOKEN=<your access token>
  export OIDC_SOCK=<path to the oidc-agent socket> (usually this is already exported)
  export ORCHENT_AGENT_ACCOUNT=,account to use>

If you need to specify the file containing the trusted root CAs use the 'ORCHENT_CAFILE' environment

  export ORCHENT_CAFILE=<path to file containing trusted CAs>

      --help     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --version  Show application version.
  -u, --url=URL  the base url of the orchestrator rest interface. Alternative the environment
                 variable 'ORCHENT_URL' can be used: 'export ORCHENT_URL=<the_url>'

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

  depls [<flags>]
    list deployments

  depshow <uuid>
    show a specific deployment

  depcreate [<flags>] <template> <parameter>
    create a new deployment

  depupdate [<flags>] <uuid> <template> <parameter>
    update the given deployment

  deptemplate <uuid>
    show the template of the given deployment

  depdel <uuid>
    delete a given deployment

  resls <depployment uuid>
    list the resources of a given deployment

  resshow <deployment uuid> <resource uuid>
    show a specific resource of a given deployment

    test if the given url is pointing to an orchestrator, please use this to ensure there is no
    typo in the url.

the help commang gives even more detailed information on more advanced commands e.g. on 'depcreate':

$ orchent help depcreate
usage: orchent depcreate [<flags>] <template> <parameter>

create a new deployment

      --help                  Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --version               Show application version.
  -u, --url=URL               the base url of the orchestrator rest interface. Alternative the environment variable 'ORCHENT_URL' can be used: 'export ORCHENT_URL=<the_url>'
      --callback=""           the callback url
                              Maximum number of cloud providers to be used in case of failure (Default: UNBOUNDED).
      --keepLastAttempt=true  In case of failure, keep the resources allocated in the last try (Default: true).

  <template>   the tosca template file
  <parameter>  the parameter to set (json object)

Selecting The Orchestrator

All commands, except with the help command above, need the base url of the orchestrator to be set. This can be done by setting it in the 'ORCHESTRATOR_URL' environment variable (see above) or via the url flag. The flag can be set at any position of the command, yet we recommend setting it as the first parameter, if not using the environment variable:

$ orchent --url=

The Orchent Commands

In this chapter all available commands will be explained. With two assumptions:

  • The access token is exported

  • The base url is exported

so instead of always adding the url flag like

$ orchent --url= <some command>

only the command part will be shown like:

$ orchent <some command>

Testing the Orchent URL - test

orchent has a simple way to test if the url points to an orchestrator:

$ orchent test
looks like the orchent url is valid

The outpt will let you know if the given url looks fine or not. This should be the first test to perform when having issues, as most of the time a simple typo is the cause of all evil.

List Deployments - depls

To list all deployments at an orchestrator the 'depls' command is used. Invoking is as simple as:

$ orchent depls

The output is a long list of all pages of deployments.

The output can be filtered to a specific user by adding the subject@issuer:

$ orchent depls --created_by=som-uuid-at-iam@

There is also a shortcut for the current user - 'me':

$ orchent depls --created_by=me

It is also possible to filter the deployments by data/time. The flags used are --before and --after, they can be used either alone or together as well as in combination with --created_by. A date/time is specified as 'YYYYMMDDHHMM'. The correctness of the date or time is not checked.

$ orchent depls --after=201707090000

Show A Specific Deployment - depshow

To show only a specific deployment orchent needs the uuid of the deployment.

$ orchent depshow <uuid>


$ orchent depshow 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc
Deployment [12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc]:
  status reason:
  creation time: 2016-07-22T11:08+0000
  update time: 2016-07-22T11:09+0000
  output: map[]
    self [./deployments/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc]
    resources [./deployments/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/resources]
    template [./deployments/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/template]

Get The Template Of A Deployment - deptemplate

To get the template of a deployment the 'deptemplate' command is used:

orchent deptemplate <uuid>


$ orchent deptemplate 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0

  - indigo_custom_types:

description: >
  TOSCA examples for specifying a Chronos Job that runs an application using Onedata storage.

[ .... ]

Create A New Deployment - depcreate

The creation of a new deployment is done using the 'depcreate' command, it needs two parameter:

  • the name of the template file

  • a string containing the JSON object with parameter, best is to use

$ orchent depcreate <template file name> <json object with parameter>


$ orchent depcreate ambertools.yaml '{ "number_cpus": 1, ​"memory_size": "1 GB" }'
Deployment [12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc]:
  status reason:
  creation time: 2016-09-09T:07+0000
  update time:
  output: map[]
    self [./deployments/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc]
    resources [./deployments/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/resources]
    template [./deployments/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/template]

an example template would be the ambertools template

Update A Given Deployment - depupdate

Updating a deployment is like creating one with the difference that a uuid of an existing deployment needs to be passed:

$ orchent depupdate <uuid of the deployment to update> <template file name> <json parameter>


$ orchent depupdate 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc ../myTemplate.yml '{ "number_cpus": 2, ​"memory_size": "2 GB" }'
update of deployment 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc successfully triggered

Delete A Given Deployment - depdel

To delete a deployment only its uuid is needed:

$ orchent depdel <uuid>


$ orchent depdel 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc
deletion of deployment 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc successfully triggered

Reset The State Of A Given Deployment - depreset

The command depreset can be used to reset the deployment state given the deployment id. Usage tips: If a deployment remains stuck in DELETE_IN_PROGRESS, you can use this command to manually reset the state of the deployment to DELETE_FAILED. You can then try to delete the deployment again.

$ orchent depreset [--status=DELETE_FAILED] <uuid>


$ orchent depreset 11ed3ce7-ba36-5c2e-9808-02424e495bee
reset of deployment 11ed3ce7-ba36-5c2e-9808-02424e495bee successfully triggered

Get The Resources Of A Deployment - resls

Listing all the resources of a deployment is very similar to listing all deployments, only that a deployment uuid must be passed:

$ orchent resls <deployment uuid>


$ orchent resls 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc

The result is a long list of resources for the given deployment

Show A Specific Resource Of A Deployment - resshow

To only display one specific resource of a given deployment 'resshow' needs the uuid of both of them, the deployment and the resource:

$ orchent resshow <deployment uuid> <resource uuid>


$ orchent resshow 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc 99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999
Resource [99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999]:
  creation time: 2016-07-22T11:08+0000
  state: STARTED
  toscaNodeType: tosca.nodes.indigo.Container.Application.Docker.Chronos
  toscaNodeName: chronos_job
    deployment [./deployments/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc]
    self [./deployments/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/resources/99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999]

Last updated