Server Settings


This section will describe the general settings of the WaTTS server. This will include options like ports, hostname and SSL.

Typical values that should be changed during the initial setup are:

  • hostname, change it to an actual fully qualified hostname

  • port, which can be removed if the incoming traffic arrives at port 80 for http or 443 for https

  • listen_port, it will be set to the internal port WaTTS is listening at

And for production use:

  • ssl, set to 'true'

  • cachain_file, set to the path to the file

  • dh_file, set to the path to the file

  • cert_file, set to the path to the file

  • key_file, set to the path to the file


Listen_Port, Redirection Explained

The idea is to run WaTTS as a dedicated non root user for security reasons. The drawback of not beeing root is that ports 1-1024 are not available to WaTTS. To still be able to have WaTTS running at port 80 or 443 several settings are needed.

As an image tells more than a thousand words, soma ascii art:

client --[port]---> firewall rules --[listen_port]--> WaTTS

In the picture above the client connects to the port port and firewall rules redirect the packages arriving at port to the listen_port at which WaTTS is actually listen. The corresponding firewall rule is:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport `port` -j REDIRECT --to-port `listen_port`

Redirection is needed when using SSL and http traffic should be forwarded to the https endpoint. The problem is that http and https work completely different, so a pure redirection using the firewall does not work, instead a valid http-redirection message needs to be send. Sending this valid http message is the task of the redirection and needs to be listening at a different port:

client --[some port]--> firewall rules --[redirection.listen_port]--> redirection endpoint
       <-------[ valid http message, redirecting to the http endpoint ]----/

The redirection follows the same idea as the port and listen_port above. So WaTTS is listening at redirection.listen_port for incomming traffic and sending a valid http redirection message back, which tells the browser to go tho the ssl endpoint: https://`hostname`:`port`.

For the redirection another firewall rule is needed:

# redirecting all traffic arriving at the default http port, 80, to the the listen port
# for redirection
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port `redirection.listen_port`


The following example is the basic SSL setup.

hostname =
listen_port = 8443
port = 443
ssl = true
# using default values for cachain_file, cert_file and key_file
session_timeout = 10m
redirection.enable = true
redirection.listen_port = 8000

and the firewall rules

# for the ssl traffic forwarding from 443 to the listen port of WaTTS
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8443

# for the non ssl traffic trying port 80 forwarding it to the redirection.listen_port of WaTTS
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8000

Last updated