
A go library for oidc-agent is available at

To use it in your go application do

go get

and include:

import ""

Requesting an Access Token

The following functions can be used to obtain an access token for a specific account configuration or for a given OpenID provider from oidc-agent.

Token Request

All functions take a TokenRequest struct. This struct describes the request:

// TokenRequest is used to request an access token from the agent
type TokenRequest struct {
	// ShortName that should be used (Can be omitted if IssuerURL is specified)
	ShortName string
	// IssuerURL for which an access token should be obtained (Can be omitted
	// if ShortName is specified)
	IssuerURL string
	// MinValidPeriod specifies how long the access token should be valid at
	// least. The time is given in seconds. Default is 0.
	MinValidPeriod uint64
	// The scopes for the requested access token
	Scopes []string
	// The audiences for the requested access token
	Audiences []string
	// A string describing the requesting application (i.e. its name). It might
	// be displayed to the user, if the request must be confirmed or an account
	// configuration loaded.
	ApplicationHint string


func GetAccessToken(req TokenRequest) (token string, err error)

This function requests an access token from oidc-agent according to the passed TokenRequest.

Return Value

The function returns only the access token as a string and an error. To additionally obtain other information use GetTokenResponse. On failure an error is returned.


Account Configuration Example

A complete example can look the following:

token, err := liboidcagent.GetAccessToken(liboidcagent.TokenRequest{
  ShortName: accountName,
  MinValidPeriod: 60,
  Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
  ApplicationHint: "Example-App",
if err != nil {
    var agentError *OIDCAgentError
    if errors.As(err, &agentError) {
        fmt.Printf("%s\n", agentError.ErrorWithHelp())
    // Additional error handling
} else {
    fmt.Printf("Access token is: %s\n", token)

Issuer Example

A complete example can look the following:

token, err := liboidcagent.GetAccessToken(liboidcagent.TokenRequest{
  IssuerURL: "",
  MinValidPeriod: 60,
  Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
  ApplicationHint: "Example-App",
if err != nil {
    var agentError *OIDCAgentError
    if errors.As(err, &agentError) {
        fmt.Printf("%s\n", agentError.ErrorWithHelp())
    // Additional error handling
} else {
    fmt.Printf("Access token is: %s\n", token)


func GetTokenResponse(req TokenRequest) (resp TokenResponse, err error)

This function requests an access token from oidc-agent according to the passed TokenRequest.

Return Value

The function returns an TokenResponse struct that contains the requested access token, the url of the issuer that issued the token and the time when the token expires.

The values can be accessed the following way:

response, err := liboidcagent.GetTokenResponse(...)
response.Token      // access token
response.Issuer     // issuer url
response.ExpiresAt  // expiration time


Account Configuration Example

A complete example can look the following:

resp, err := liboidcagent.GetTokenResponse(liboidcagent.TokenRequest{
  ShortName: accountName,
  MinValidPeriod: 60,
  Audiences: []string{""},
  ApplicationHint: "Example-App",
if err != nil {
  var agentError *OIDCAgentError
  if errors.As(err, &agentError) {
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", agentError.ErrorWithHelp())
  // Additional error handling
} else {
  fmt.Printf("Access token is: %s\n", resp.Token)
  fmt.Printf("Issuer url is: %s\n", resp.Issuer)
  fmt.Printf("The token expires at: %s\n", resp.ExpiresAt)

Issuer Example

A complete example can look the following:

resp, err := liboidcagent.GetTokenResponse(liboidcagent.TokenRequest{
  Issuer: "",
  MinValidPeriod: 60,
  Audiences: []string{""},
  ApplicationHint: "Example-App",
if err != nil {
  var agentError *OIDCAgentError
  if errors.As(err, &agentError) {
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", agentError.ErrorWithHelp())
  // Additional error handling
} else {
  fmt.Printf("Access token is: %s\n", resp.Token)
  fmt.Printf("Issuer url is: %s\n", resp.Issuer)
  fmt.Printf("The token expires at: %s\n", resp.ExpiresAt)

Requesting a Mytoken

The following functions can be used to obtain a mytoken from oidc-agent.

Mytoken Request

All functions take a MytokenRequest struct. This struct describes the request:

// MytokenRequest is used to request a  mytoken from the agent
type MytokenRequest struct {
	// ShortName that should be used
	ShortName string
	// A mytoken profile describing the properties of the requested mytoken
	MytokenProfile string
	// A string describing the requesting application (i.e. its name). It might
	// be displayed to the user, if the request must be confirmed or an account
	// configuration loaded.
	ApplicationHint string


func GetMytoken(req MytokenRequest) (token string, err error)

This function requests a mytoken from oidc-agent according to the passed MytokenRequest.

Return Value

The function returns only the mytoken as a string and an error. To additionally obtain other information use GetMytokenResponse. On failure an error is returned.


A complete example can look the following:

token, err := liboidcagent.GetMytoken(liboidcagent.MytokenRequest{
  ShortName: accountName,
  MytokenProfile: profile,
  ApplicationHint: "Example-App",
if err != nil {
    var agentError *OIDCAgentError
    if errors.As(err, &agentError) {
        fmt.Printf("%s\n", agentError.ErrorWithHelp())
    // Additional error handling
} else {
    fmt.Printf("Mytoken is: %s\n", token)


func GetMytokenResponse(req MytokenRequest) (resp MytokenResponse, err error)

This function requests a mytoken from oidc-agent according to the passed MytokenRequest.

Return Value

The function returns a MytokenResponse struct that contains the requested token, as well as other information.

The values can be accessed the following way:

response, err := liboidcagent.GetMytokenResponse(...)
response.Mytoken        // mytoken (or transfer code)
response.MytokenType    // mytoken type
response.OIDCIssuer     // OP issuer url
response.MytokenIssuer  // mytoken issuer url
response.ExpiresAt      // expiration time

There are additional fields available from the mytoken API's MytokenResponse struct which is included in this libraries MytokenResponse struct.


A complete example can look the following:

resp, err := liboidcagent.GetMytokenResponse(liboidcagent.MytokenRequest{
  ShortName: accountName,
  MytokenProfile: profile,
  ApplicationHint: "Example-App",
if err != nil {
  var agentError *OIDCAgentError
  if errors.As(err, &agentError) {
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", agentError.ErrorWithHelp())
  // Additional error handling
} else {
  fmt.Printf("Mytoken is: %s\n", resp.Mytoken)
  fmt.Printf("Mytoken issued by: %s\n", resp.MytokenIssuer)
  fmt.Printf("Obtains ATs for: %s\n", resp.OIDCIssuer)
  fmt.Printf("The token expires at: %s\n", resp.ExpiresAt)

Getting Loaded Accounts

func GetLoadedAccounts() (accountNames []string, err error) {

This function requests the list of currently loaded accounts from oidc-agent.

Return Value

The function returns a list of the currently loaded accounts as a []string on success and an OIDCAgentError on failure.

Getting Configured Accounts

func GetConfiguredAccounts() (accounts []string) {

This function checks the oidc-agent directory for the configured accounts.

Return Value

The function returns a list of the configured accounts as a []string.

Last updated