EGI Check-in supports dynamic registration, but dynamically registered clients will not have any scopes. Therefore, users have to either register a client manually or use a preregistered public client (recommended).


# oidc-gen --pub --issuer \
            --scope "email \
             eduperson_entitlement \
             eduperson_scoped_affiliation \
             eduperson_unique_id" <shortname>

You will need to follow the OIDC-flow, which usually involves authentication in a web-browser. If the browser does not start, you can copy paste the displayed URL.

Generating account configuration ...
To continue and approve the registered client visit the following URL in a Browser of your choice:
Polling oidc-agent to get the generated account configuration .....success
The generated account config was successfully added to oidc-agent. You don't have to run oidc-add.

Finally, you will be be asked for a password on the commandline to safely store your credentials.

Enter encryption password for account configuration '<shortname>':
Confirm encryption Password:

Note: You need to run the webbrowser on the same host as the oidc-gen command. If you operate on a remote machine, you need to use the device code flow, by adding --flow=device to the above commandline.

Advanced users may succeed by otherwise ensuring that the browser you are using can connect to the host on which oidc-gen and oidc-agent run on ports 4242, 8080 or 43985.

Last updated