oidc-agent Integration

Xsession Integration

oidc-agent has support for integration with Xsession, which is enabled by default if the oidc-agent-desktop package is installed. This means oidc-agent will automatically start at the beginning of an Xsession and then be available throughout that session (i.e. you can connect to the agent from every terminal).

To disable / re-enable this behavior (system-wide) edit the /etc/oidc-agent/oidc-agent-service.options file. To disable it on a per user basis, copy this file to your oidc-agent directory and edit it there. To disable XSession integration uncomment / add the line:


To re-enable Xsession integration change it to START_AGENT_WITH_XSESSION="True" or comment it out.

To pass command line options to the automatically started agent edit the OIDC_AGENT_OPTS variable.

Note that from version 4.1.0 on the agent can be restarted without losing the integration in existing terminals. To do so run:

oidc-agent-service restart-s

We also want to note that oidc-agent-service can be used without Xsession integration.

Last updated