
After installation the agent has to be started. Usually the agent is started on system startup and is then available on all terminals (see integration). Therefore, after installation the options are to restart your X-Session or to start the agent manually.

eval `oidc-agent-service use`

This starts the agent and sets the required environment variables.

Create an agent account configuration with oidc-gen

For most OpenID Connect providers an agent account configuration can be created with one of the following calls. Make sure that you can run a web-browser on the same host where you run the oidc-gen command.

oidc-gen <shortname>
oidc-gen --pub <shortname>

For more information on the different providers refer to integrate with different providers.

After an account configuration is created it can be used with the shortname to obtain access tokens. One does not need to run oidc-gen again unless to update or create a new account configuration.

Use oidc-add to load an account configuration

oidc-add <shortname>

However, usually it is not necessary to load an account configuration with oidc-add. One can directly request an access token for a configuration and oidc-agent will automatically load it if it is not already loaded.

Obtaining an access token

oidc-token <shortname>

Alternatively, it is also possible to request an access token without specifying the shortname of a configuration but with the issuer url:

oidc-token <issuer_url>

This way is recommended when writing scripts that utilize oidc-agent to obtain access tokens. This allows that the script can be easily used by others without them having to update the shortname.

List existing configuration

oidc-add -l
oidc-gen -l

These commands both give a list of all existing account configurations.

A list of the currently loaded accounts can be retrieved with:

oidc-add -a

Updating an existing account configuration

An existing account configuration can be updated with oidc-gen:

oidc-gen -m <shortname>


If the refresh token stored in the account configuration expired a new one must be created. However, it is not required to create a new account configuration, it is enough to run:

oidc-gen <shortname> --reauthenticate

Last updated