Alternatively an application can directly communicate with the oidc-agent through UNIX domain sockets. The socket address can be obtained from the environment variable which is set by the agent (OIDC_SOCK). The request has to be sent json encoded. We use a UNIX domain socket of type SOCK_STREAM.

All Clients should ignore additional fields returned in a response from oidc-agent, if the client does not understand these fields. Vice versa oidc-agent ignores fields that it does not understand.

The following fields and values have to be present for the different calls:

Access Token:


Note that one of the fields account and issuer has to be present. Use account to request an access token for a specific account configuration and issuer when you do not know which account configuration should be used but you do know the issuer for which you want to obtain an access token. Do not provide both of these options in the same request.


The application example_application requests an access token for the account configuration iam. The token should be valid for at least 60 seconds and have the scopes openid profile phone and the audiences foo and bar.

  "request": "access_token",
  "account": "iam",
  "min_valid_period": 60,
  "application_hint": "example_application",
  "scope": "openid profile phone",
  "audience": "foo bar"

The application example_application requests an access token for the provider https://example.com/. There are no guarantees that the token will be valid longer than 0 seconds and it will have all scopes that are available for the used account configuration.

  "request": "access_token",
  "issuer": "https://example.com/",
  "application_hint": "example_application"



  "status": "success",
  "access_token": "token1234",
  "issuer": "https:example.com/",
  "expires_at": 1541517118

Error Response

The help message in the info key is optionally and therefore might be omitted.


  "status": "failure",
  "error": "Account not loaded"




The application example_application requests a mytoken for the account configuration iam. The mytoken should have the AT capability, it can only be used to obtain 7 access tokens with only the openid profile email scope and expires after seven days.

  "request": "mytoken",
  "account": "iam",
  "mytoken_profile": {
    "capabilities": [
    "restrictions": [
        "exp": "+7d",
        "usages_AT": 7,
        "scope": "openid profile email"
  "application_hint": "example_application"


Additionally, fields included in the mytoken's server response, such as restrictions, mytoken_type are also included.


  "status": "success",
  "mytoken": "token1234",
  "mytoken_type": "token",
  "oidc_issuer": "https:op.example.com/",
  "mytoken_issuer": "https://mytoken.example.org",
  "expires_at": 1541517118,
  "capabilities": [

Error Response

The help message in the info key is optionally and therefore might be omitted.


  "status": "failure",
  "error": "Account not loaded"

List of Accounts:



  "request": "loaded_accounts"



  "status": "success",
  "info": [

Error Response


  "status": "failure",
  "error": "Internal error"

Last updated