Helmholtz AAI

Helmholtz AAI does not support dynamic client registration, but there is a preregistered public client which can be used so that account configuration is as easy as with dynamic client registration.

Use Preregistered Public Client

Enter the following command and follow the instructions to take advantage of the preregistered public client:

$ oidc-gen --pub --issuer https://login.helmholtz.de/oauth2/ \
    --scope "email \
             eduperson_scoped_affiliation \
             eduperson_unique_id \
             eduperson_assurance \
             eduperson_entitlement" \

You will need to follow the OIDC-flow, which usually involves authentication in a web-browser. If the browser does not start, you can copy paste the displayed URL.

$ oidc-gen --pub --issuer https://login.helmholtz.de/oauth2/ <shortname>
Space delimited list of scopes [openid profile offline_access]:
Generating account configuration ...
To continue and approve the registered client visit the following URL in a Browser of your choice:
Polling oidc-agent to get the generated account configuration .....
The generated account config was successfully added to oidc-agent. You don't have to run oidc-add.

Finally, you will be be asked for a password on the commandline to safely store your credentials.

Enter encryption password for account configuration '<shortname>':
Confirm encryption Password:

Note: You need to run the webbrowser on the same host as the oidc-gen command. If you operate on a remote machine, you need to use the device code flow, by adding --flow=device to the above commandline.

Advanced users may succeed by otherwise ensuring that the browser you are using can connect to the host on which oidc-gen and oidc-agent run on ports 4242, 8080 or 43985.

Manual Client registration

  • Make sure you don’t have an active login in unity and visit the /home endpoint (i.e. https://login.helmholtz.de/home )

  • Don't login

  • Click "Register a new account" on the top right

  • Click "Oauth2/OIDC client Registration"

  • Specify the required information, but note the following:

    • "User name" is your client_id

      • Needs to be globally unique, "oidc-agent" will clash. Use "oidc-agent_<your name>" instead. You Must Not include a colon.

    • "Password credential" is your client_secret

    • "Service Admin Contact": Your email address

    • "Service Security Contact": Your email address

    • "Service DPS URL": https://github.com/indigo-dc/oidc-agent/blob/master/PRIVACY

    • "Service Description": https://github.com/indigo-dc/oidc-agent

    • "OAuth client return URL (1)": http://localhost:4242

      • click "+" to add more URLs

    • "OAuth client return URL (2)": http://localhost:8080

    • "OAuth client return URL (3)": http://localhost:43985

    • "OAuth client return URL (4)": edu.kit.data.oidc-agent:/redirect

Note also that you have to enter at least one valid redirect uri, even if they are not mandated by Helmholtz AAI (see Client Configuration Values for more information).

After the client is registered, call oidc-gen with the -m flag and enter the required information.

Last updated