
Elixir supports dynamic registration, but dynamically registered clients will not have any scopes. Therefore users have to either register a client manually (and get approval for the needed scopes) or use a preregistered public client (recommended).


$ oidc-gen --pub <shortname>
Issuer [https://login.elixir-czech.org/oidc/]:
Space delimited list of scopes [openid profile offline_access]:
Generating account configuration ...
To continue and approve the registered client visit the following URL in a Browser of your choice:
The generated account config was successfully added to oidc-agent. You don't have to run oidc-add.
Enter encryption password for account configuration '<shortname>':
Confirm encryption Password:

Advanced options

Manual Client Registration

If you register a client manually, please see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vOyW4dLVozy7oQvINYxHheVaLvwNsvvghbiKTLg7RbY/

Device Flow

To use the device flow with Elixir, the client has to have the device grant type registered. This is the case for our public client, however, it might most likely not be the case for a manually registered client. To use the device flow instead of the authorization code flow with the preregistered public client include the --flow=device --pub options.

Last updated