The KIT OIDP supports dynamic client registration, but a special access token is required as authorization. The easiest way is too use the preregistered public client.



$ oidc-gen --pub <shortname>
Issuer []:
Space delimited list of scopes [openid profile offline_access]:
Generating account configuration ...
To continue and approve the registered client visit the following URL in a Browser of your choice:
The generated account config was successfully added to oidc-agent. You don't have to run oidc-add.
Enter encryption password for account configuration '<shortname>':
Confirm encryption Password:

The KIT OpenID Provider issues a new refresh token when the current refresh token was used in the refresh flow (whenever a new access token is issued). When the refresh token changes oidc-agent has to update the client configuration file and therefore needs the encryption password. Because with rotating refresh tokens, this will happen quite often it is recommended to allow oidc-agent to keep the password in memory by specifying the --pw-store option when loading the account configuration with oidc-add.

Advanced options

To get an initial access token please contact the provider. The token can then be used as authorization through the --at option.

Last updated